Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vroom! Vroom!

Back when I named this here dealy-blog I thought Life at the Speed of Crazy was a pretty appropriate title, since I feel like the words "running around like a chicken with my head cut off" leaves my mouth more often than any others to describe my life. With that being said, I've been busy, too busy to sit down and ramble at you, dear anonymous eyes, and for that I half-heartedly apologize. ;)

Since I last was here and went all goopy on you, I have fought with my taxes for 2012 (all prepped, just need to be filed BUT I sent out 1099s to those that need them), oversold a massage deal that has me squishing in people into my schedule that there's not really room for, celebrated 4 years with the hubs, and given a meaningless at the time, no longer meaningless title of Building (or Office) Manager. With my title I've done all of two things; help a new tenant be aware of silly, expensive CoS licensing and turned on a Water Heater. Out of the two, figuring out the Water Heater is the bigger win for me. (Mostly because I've been dealing with CoS for years and I'm not allowed to play with toolboxes for everyone's safety)

I've also been learning a lot. I'm talking to lots of people who have beem running businesses longer than I've been driving, taking classes, and wanna know the most important thing I've learned so far? I have a LOT more to learn. I'm not a list person, I actually have a strong dislike of them, BUT in running a business with multiple people involved I'm starting to understand that if I keep everything bouncing around in my head things tend to bounce out and never come back.... 

This past weekend I went up (down) to Tuscon to see Wicked the Musical and it was a dream come true. I LOVE Gregory McGuire's writing and seeing it in musical form was some sort of magical... Yes it got diluted down and made accessible to the masses (and given a cheese-ball happy ending), but I don't think that took too much away from the original telling, if anything, people that didn't read the book will go home and read it and have their minds blown away. If you're not aware, Wicked is a pretty deep story with many levels of depth, and the musical was really only able to focus on one. Still. Amaze. 

Next trip? Disneyland with my Monkey. He loves two things - trains and Mickey Mouse so we are doing birthday number 3 in the Happiest Place on Earth. Unfortunately, since I can't top Disneyland for birthday number 4, I'm planning on telling him that once you turn 3 you're all out of birthday celebrations... ;) 

Well, I'm all out of ramble, so until next time!!

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