Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gardens, and other procrastinating thoughts...

Well hello there! I am supposed to be doing a VERY tedious task that involves spreedsheets and other nonsense that fall into the category of "Things No One Told Me I Would Have to Do When I Work For Myself". I'll finish it... eventually (before Wednesday)... but I am so not into it, I just re-organized my entire front patio.

My favorite movie growing up was The Secret Garden. I loved the idea of a hidden garden paradise just waiting for me, to the point for many years I collected any lost keys I came across (the stranger the better), just in case one of them opened MY secret garden. This also led to a not so safe habit of trying any door I came across, luckily I wasn't one that people noticed and I kinda blended into the background, if not I would have gotten in A LOT more trouble as a kid.

Since I'm no longer ::quite:: so foolish I have taken up the more adult version of having a secret garden - I buy plants and put them around the various patios I have lived in... Sometimes I manage to keep them alive for months, and whenever that happens it usually means I'm doing a pretty decent job at balancing work and home. Buuut eventually it happens.. I'll miss a day, then a day turns into a week and then, before you know it the super cute Christmas tree I was trying to keep from last year is no more than a fire hazard, and my patio is no more than a cemetery for flowers and succulents.

So back to my patio. About 3 years ago I got a Chia Herb Garden for Christmas and I was actually able to keep that going until we had to move. I accidentally broke one of the pots in an Megan the Klutz move but I still keep it, because ONE day I will have my little herb garden again. (Heh) In my reorganization I decided to make the patio a little more Aydan friendly. I rearranged his basketball hoop and his little table and put his bike at an angle he might actually use it, then I got my version of creative. I took all his outdoor chalk and made 4 bouquets to put in my little herb garden pots. It's colorful and pretty and can substitute for real plants until life settles down again.

OR maybe I'll just buy more outdoor chalk and make a chalk garden.... Since I live in Arizona they'd never be washed away... Maybe I'm onto something here..... Hurm.....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hello there...

So my webmaster for my spiffy website has given me instructions to write a blog post about once a week regarding the work I do to 1: Keep the page fresh so Google likes me, and 2: so people can get an idea of who I am and the such.

Problem with that is that I haven't written things beyond the facebook approved length that people actually SEE in quite a while. So this is born.. I can't promise consistency, but I personally have always found myself hilarious so I can promise attempts at humor...

I AM on vacation this week so it is possible I will splatter some brain matter all over this a few more times before I get back to work since I am used to talking to people with a slightly higher IQ than my 2 year old.. but who knows, this might be the only time you hear from me in the next 6 months... We will see! :)

It’s Something Unpredictable, But in The End is Right…

 Hello there my lovely anonymous eyes, how has it been since the last time? Yeah, me too, which is why I stopped writing completely for a lo...